Materialize modals
Materialize modals

materialize modals

When using a placeholder in an input field, the label should be active.FIX: Options and RadioButtons did not listen to the disabled property.FIX: Options and Radios no longer use h6 element for labels, so they behave more like other labels.The rationale is that the checked values are only read initially, when the component is created. Select, Options, Radios use initialValue instead of checkedId (which is deprecated but still working).FIX: Select when using multiple keeps the dropdown open, dropdownOptions and classes are passed on creation.FIX: Tabs component selection did not work in Edge due to the way the select function was implemented in materialize-css.NEW: PasswordInput component to enter passwords.FIX: Chips did not initialize properly when onChange was not specified (e.g.FIX: Kanban did not trigger onChange when disabled, but with editable properties.FIX: Select when using multiple keeps the dropdown open, but re-initialize select when the options change.FIX: Kanban triggering too many onchange messages.FIX: Pagination did not highlight current item when item index exceeded size limit.FIX: Pagination did not properly compute the go forward disabled/enabled state.Pagination component simplified implementation.As the onchange created a closure, new attributes were not always updated as expected. Select, Option, Radio, Kanban: onchange is computed dynamically in the view, not only in oninit.Select disabled status is computed dynamically in the view, not only in oninit.

materialize modals

#Materialize modals update#

This allows you to dynamically update the selections without recreating the component.

materialize modals

Otherwise, it is treated the same as initialValue (which is only processed in oninit).

  • Select, Options, and RadioButtons: The checkedId property can be used to change the selection in onupdate dynamically.
  • Updated dependencies, fixed library vulnerabilities.
  • NumberInput adds support for the step attribute, so you can use the number up/down to represent floats too.
  • Instead, use the checkboxClass to set the grid size of each cell. This is actually not needed, and it has been removed.
  • Breaking change: Options and RadioButtons used the inline property to put items horizontally.
  • Select component also reacts when the checkedId property becomes undefined (previously, it would ignore it).
  • The main focus of this library is on creating Mithril components for the more complicated Materialize components. A materialize-css library for the Mithril framework (tested with v2.0.0-rc4 and higher, but presumably, it should work with v1.1.6 too), making it easier to use a Materialize theme in your application.

    Materialize modals